Collective Worship

Worship forms an integral part of school life and reflects the school’s core Christian values. Collective Worship is led by members of staff within the school, Reverend Jeanette Roberts and other visitors. Our worship sessions provide invitational opportunities for children to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.

We have a consistent rota for the delivery of Collective Worship each week (see below), although from time-to-time, special days or a need to re-act to relevant world events (e.g. King’s Coronation) may alter our usual practice.

Monday: Whole School Worship (Mr Allen)
Tuesday: Whole School Worship (Member of the clergy)
Wednesday: Whole School Worship (Teacher Rota)
Thursday: Class Worship (Teachers)
Friday: Whole School Worship (Mr Allen)
Friday’s whole school worship is followed by a celebration of learning assembly.

We offer frequent opportunities for our children to lead elements of Collective Worship. This may take place in class worship sessions, or during whole school worship. We have a group of Year 5 and 6 children (The Worship Collective), who work alongside our staff members to plan, deliver and evaluate aspects our Collective Worship at Triangle.

Collective Worship at Triangle, focuses on a different Christian value each half-term- other world faiths and special days are also interweaved within our Collective Worship planning. Across each theme, children have the opportunity to reflect on each theme and consider how the teachings of Jesus can be applied in their lives.

Collective Worship Policy


Ideas to support Collective Worship themes at home:

Here are some ideas for how you can explore our termly collective worship themes at home

Academic Year 2024-25
Phase 1- Generosity
Phase 2- Compassion
Phase 3- Courage