Our Curriculum
Our curriculum aims to provide all pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive during their primary school journey and onto their next stage of education. We are proud of the fully inclusive learning community that we serve and have designed our curriculum to meet the needs of all our children in our school.
How do we approach the curriculum at Triangle?
Curriculum-on-a-Page-V2-October-23Education for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- Children in the Reception are exposed to an exciting learning environment and a broad curriculum which fulfils the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is based around learning through structured play as well as opportunities to develop early reading, writing and numeracy in an engaging and progressive way.
- The staff team in Reception aim to provide age-appropriate experiences that are often based around the interests of the children. They make good use of a stimulating ‘outdoor classroom’ that further enhances the experiences we can provide.
Education for children in Key Stages 1 and 2
- Children in years 1 through 6 are taught ensuring that they receive their entitlement to the National Curriculum. We teach the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Computing as discrete subjects, as well as looking for opportunities to link work across different subjects, if deemed appropriate.
- The subjects of History, Geography, R.E, Music, P.E, M.F.L (French), Art & Design, Design Technology (D.T) and P.S.H.E form the basis of the rest of our curriculum. For some of these subjects we follow high quality schemes of work developed to give children the best possible grounding in their primary years.
- We enrich and broaden our curriculum further, by offering many opportunities to enjoy life at school through learning outside the National Curriculum. Productions, cultural experiences and involvement in the local community are just some opportunities we proactively explore in order to allow our children to grow their experiences and develop their passions.
- We make use of opportunities to educate our children out of the classroom, utilising the school grounds and beyond. Staff incorporate visits into the local community and to museums, galleries, residential centres both in Hebden Bridge and the Lake District and so on.

If you require any further information about our curriculum content, please look on the individual subject pages for their Long Term Plans. You may also contact Mr Allen, who is our Headteacher.
Mr Allen: head@triangle.calderdale.sch.uk