Term Dates

School Term Dates 2024-2025

2024- Autumn Term

2nd SeptemberTeacher Training Day – School Closed
3rd SeptemberTeacher Training Day – School Closed
4th SeptemberSchool re-opens after the Summer break
25th OctoberSchool closes for half term
4th NovemberTeacher Training Day – School Closed
5th NovemberSchool re-opens after half term
20th DecemberSchool closes for the end of the Autumn term

2025 – Spring Term

6th JanuarySchool re-opens for Spring Term
14th FebruarySchool closes for half term
24th FebruarySchool re-opens after half term
4th AprilSchool closes for Easter break

2025 Summer Term

21st AprilSchool closed: Bank Holiday
22nd AprilSchool re-opens after Easter break
5th MaySchool closed: Bank Holiday
6th MaySchool re-opens
23rd MaySchool closes for half term
2nd JuneSchool re-opens after half term
18th JulySchool closes for the Summer break
21st JulyTeacher Training Day – School Closed
22nd JulyTeacher Training Day – School Closed